Sunday, April 25, 2010

Kenya team's Michael M's letter to team

Posted by Michael M's request (check team update post about Michaels unable to go w/ team to Kenya because of missing passport upon arriving Europe)

Dear Team,

I safely arrived in Maryland around 11pm EST on Friday. The flight home was probably my hardest flight ever in the years I have traveled around the world. I didn’t want to be flying home, I wanted to be in Kenya, serving besides each of you in Kenya, in the name of our faithful Savior Jesus Christ. I was glad that God gave me the opportunity before flying home to cry out tears of pain and sadness to him in a religious reflection room. I never cried so much in my life, even with the recent death of my grandmother last year. Unlike my grandmother’s death, this was a total shock to me as my dreams become broken and crushed. There are some things in life that we don’t totally understand, but we have to place our trust in God that he is going to work out everything for the good of His purposes and plans. Rick did give me the opportunity to stay in Holland until Monday to get my passport, but I didn’t want to upend Rick’s leadership responsibilities and affect the whole mission of the trip, to make more and better disciples of Jesus.

Please don’t let my departure affect the latter mission, be the hands and feet of Jesus to the Kenyan people.
Rick, continue to be a strong and selfless leader, being an example to the team and the people of Kenya, of what it means to be a fully devoted Christian. Thank you for being there for me in the hours before my departure. You were an encouragement to me and I look forward to meeting with you in the upcoming weeks.

Pat, you are a gentle, kind and loving woman who is perfectly gifted to share in the leadership responsibilities with Rick. Be a faithful worshiper of our Savior, being a example to the team and the Kenyan people of what it means to follow Jesus in all seasons of our lives.

Vivian, you are a confident, virtuous woman of God. Continue to be a loving example of Jesus to the team and the Kenyan people.
Susan, know that God is going to use you mightily in Kenya, as you seek out God during your team in Kenya. Thank you for all your endless energy and speaking on my behalf as I was in shock in losing my passport. Even though the passport was not retrieved, you stood out to me as a woman who speaks out for her friends.

Matt, it would have been a pleasure to room with you in Kenya. Be a man who stands out above the crowd, being an example to our team and the Kenyan people. Thank you for your time and energy in seeking to retrieve my passport. Even though the passport was not retrieved, you stood out as a man who is willing to “go to bat” for his friends.

My prayer of blessing for the team as a whole comes out of Numbers 6:24-26:
The Lord bless you and keep you,
The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you;
The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”

Know that I will be praying for each of you during your time in Kenya constantly and in the weeks to come. I will be keeping up with the Mountain Short-term mission blog.

Thanks for helping me find belonging and acceptance in each of you, reminding me of the tremendous privilege of being part of the Body of Christ. God-willingly, I will be going to a trip to Kenya in the months to come. If any of you want to contact me during your team in Kenya, you can email me at or call me at (443)299-2582.


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