Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Brandon A @ Kenya "VBS Week"
Yesterday I dropped off the disposable cameras to the photo store to be developed, digitized and put on CD. I will be picking up the CD's tomorrow morning and can't wait to load them on my computer to see what images they were able to capture. I am really excited to see how they turned out.
Kenya team update - Tue & Wed 27-28 Apr
Yesterday Tuesday the 27th we performed our second day of VBS in the morning with over 120 fourth and fifth grade kids. We started with the puppet show which has been a big hit (thanks Renda for the idea and Jim Boyle for the puppet stage) followed by craft time making kraft paper flowers and beaded bracelets; a Bible story period; games and snack time. During lunch several kids who were sponsored by members of our team and other MCC members showed up to greet us. That was a real treat. Plans were made to go visit these kids homes tomorrow.
In the afternoon, we did CHE house visit in the neighboring slum focusing on sanitation practices and evangelism. The story boards we created for our Bible lessons came in handy explaining the role germs play in spreading disease and sickness. During one home visit, the mother asked us to present our story boards to her neighbors. They did not realize germs existed and were responsible for sickness and disease. We ended the day visiting one of the missionaries homes, Doug and Jennifer Kurz, for dinner. They fixed an outstanding mexican meal with all of the gucamole you could eat!
Today, Wed., 28th - Our team switched roles for the VBS classes. Today we had 2nd and 3rd graders. The mornings fly by quickly as they rotate 20-30 kids thru every 30-40 minutes. It got so busy today we skipped morning tea. This afternoon we visited the slums of Bondemi and Kosovo to visit three of the homes of the kids that are sponsored by MCC. No matter how many times you visit these slums you never get use to what you see. The visits were very special and the parents we visited were so grateful....grateful for their childrens education at Mission of Hope and for our visit. Tomorrow we'll resume the VBS morning sessions and go out into the slum to do CHE home visits. Pray for our flexibility that's needed when working with so many kids while trying to cover so much ground in a compact 4 hour period. Thanks for your prayers!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Kenya team update - Mon 26 Apr
Today was our first day of Vacation Bible School. About 100 children from 4th and 5th grades attended. We performed the puppet skit with James (Matt), James (Susan), Mary (Vivian) and Jesus (Rick). The theme was praying each day along with reading your Bible, getting along with others and cleaning up your neighborhood.
At the intermission, we had the children clean up empty bottle and newspapers and throwing all of it in plastic bags just like basketball. They had a great time as did we.
Then we performed other activities- games (Rick and Matt), the Lesson ( Susan) and crafts (Pat and Vivian). They loved learning the American game "sharks and minnows" and made flowers out of tissue paper and beaded bracelets.
In the afternoon we gave the children fluoride treatments, along with their own toothpaste of toothbrushes. Many adults lined up to receive treatments after the kids had finished.
It has been a fantastic experience. The children are so cute and well behaved.
Thanks for all your prayers and support. Looking forward to sharing tomorrow's activities with you. -- Your Kenya 2010 Team
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Kenya team's Michael M's letter to team
Dear Team,
I safely arrived in Maryland around 11pm EST on Friday. The flight home was probably my hardest flight ever in the years I have traveled around the world. I didn’t want to be flying home, I wanted to be in Kenya, serving besides each of you in Kenya, in the name of our faithful Savior Jesus Christ. I was glad that God gave me the opportunity before flying home to cry out tears of pain and sadness to him in a religious reflection room. I never cried so much in my life, even with the recent death of my grandmother last year. Unlike my grandmother’s death, this was a total shock to me as my dreams become broken and crushed. There are some things in life that we don’t totally understand, but we have to place our trust in God that he is going to work out everything for the good of His purposes and plans. Rick did give me the opportunity to stay in Holland until Monday to get my passport, but I didn’t want to upend Rick’s leadership responsibilities and affect the whole mission of the trip, to make more and better disciples of Jesus.
Please don’t let my departure affect the latter mission, be the hands and feet of Jesus to the Kenyan people.
Rick, continue to be a strong and selfless leader, being an example to the team and the people of Kenya, of what it means to be a fully devoted Christian. Thank you for being there for me in the hours before my departure. You were an encouragement to me and I look forward to meeting with you in the upcoming weeks.
Pat, you are a gentle, kind and loving woman who is perfectly gifted to share in the leadership responsibilities with Rick. Be a faithful worshiper of our Savior, being a example to the team and the Kenyan people of what it means to follow Jesus in all seasons of our lives.
Vivian, you are a confident, virtuous woman of God. Continue to be a loving example of Jesus to the team and the Kenyan people.
Susan, know that God is going to use you mightily in Kenya, as you seek out God during your team in Kenya. Thank you for all your endless energy and speaking on my behalf as I was in shock in losing my passport. Even though the passport was not retrieved, you stood out to me as a woman who speaks out for her friends.
Matt, it would have been a pleasure to room with you in Kenya. Be a man who stands out above the crowd, being an example to our team and the Kenyan people. Thank you for your time and energy in seeking to retrieve my passport. Even though the passport was not retrieved, you stood out as a man who is willing to “go to bat” for his friends.
My prayer of blessing for the team as a whole comes out of Numbers 6:24-26:
The Lord bless you and keep you,
The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you;
The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”
Know that I will be praying for each of you during your time in Kenya constantly and in the weeks to come. I will be keeping up with the Mountain Short-term mission blog.
Thanks for helping me find belonging and acceptance in each of you, reminding me of the tremendous privilege of being part of the Body of Christ. God-willingly, I will be going to a trip to Kenya in the months to come. If any of you want to contact me during your team in Kenya, you can email me at or call me at (443)299-2582.
Kenya team update
"Greetings from Nairobi, Kenya! We all arrived safely and are not getting acclimated to the time change. One member of our party, Michael Moore, had his passport stolen in the Amsterdam airport so he had to return to the Maryland since we couldn't get him a new passport.
We had an opportunity to travel thru the local slum area next to the Pangnani school which now has some 1,000 students enrolled...amazing growth. We also did a few house visits which was such a blessing to the team. We're excited to start vacation bible school tomorrow and will continue to do so for the next 6 days during the mornings, Part of the VBS is doing an educational puppet show, conducting Bible lessons, playing games and doing crafts. In the afternoons we're scheduled to go out with the social workers to do home visits focusing on Community Health Evangelism - empowering others to help themselves. Please keep us in prayer; that we would be Jesus to all we come in contact with. We will post some new activities in the coming days. Thanks again fore your prayers and support! Pat, Vivian, Susan, Matt & Rick
Friday, April 23, 2010
More ways to connect GLOCALLY @ Mountain Rd campus
• Sunday, April 25 – An individual who is the Associate in Urban Poor and Marketplace Ministries with Christian Missionary Fellowship will be here to talk about ways we can help in restricted access countries around the world. Bring your own lunch to the Choir Room after third service for a Q&A time.
• Saturday evening, May 1, 6:00pm in the Overlook - Eat and Meet (Pizza, salad, soda)
o 6:00 to 6:45 - Food and fellowship
o 6:45 to 8:00 – two simultaneous meetings…(choose one)
Christian Missionary Fellowship (CMF)
Phil Tatum - Mobilization Director – Oversees the affiliation and equipping of qualified persons for diverse ministries. Phil will talk about the variety of places CMF Missionaries serve and the current needs for additional workers…
Fellowship of Associates of Medical Evangelism (FAME)
Shane Whybrew – Director of Development - development and fundraising with Christian, non-profit ministries. Shane will talk about the infrastructure of FAME and how they partner with medical needs globally…
• Sunday, May 2 luncheon with Christa Hayden from International Justice Mission. “International Justice Mission is a human rights agency that secures justice for victims of slavery, sexual exploitation and other forms of violent oppression”. Come and look into ways we can help this organization seek God’s justice around the world. This will be after 3rd service at a place yet to be determined.
If you are interested in participating in any of the above events PLEASE RSVP to the following address
For more information or updates on these events please email
Crazy Shepherd Expo @ MCC
Come to the Crazy Shepherd Expo, Sunday 2 May 5-8p in Timothy Hall (Mountain Road campus - Mtn Center)!
Brandon A @ Kenya: Made In the Streets

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
team to Kenya departs tomorrow Thur 22 Apr
Pray for them:
Rick and Pat Conniff
Michael Moore
Vivian Hollandsworth
Susan Kettlewell
Matt Richardson
Friday, April 16, 2010
Brandon A @ Kenya: Meeting Fanklin
CMF (Christian Missionary Fellowship),, asked me if I could help them with a pending video project that they are trying to make to show to Youth Group student across the USA. It will be focusing on helping kids in the slums that have been effected by HIV and how the student can help. Keith Ham and I sat down yesterday to nail down a plan on how we were going to execute this 3 part video series. During this meeting Keith told me about a by the name of Franklin and how he was found on the streets and has been in MOHI (Missions of Hope International) Joska Center in class 7 for 2 months now. We decided to use his life story to portray the life of a typical orphaned teens with HIV and how MOHI has helped change his life.
After talking with Keith about the project I went down to the Social Work office to talk to Lynn. With her help I was able to meet up with Franklin this morning to get to know him better and to hear his life story. As he was telling me about his childhood my heart felt heavy for this young 14 year old boy. I can't even imagine how hard it must be to grow up in the slums as an orphan and finding out from doctors that you have HIV at the age of 7. I start filming Franklin tomorrow morning around 10:00 AM in the Mathare slums. I will try to post some photos of him in a later post.
Keith and I were trying to come up with a good title for this video series. So far we haven't come up with anything we like. I am looking for something short, sweet & would catch the attention of teenagers. I know that some of you can be very creative so I am asking for you to put on your thinking cap and try to come up with a title option. Who knows you may come up with a title that we think would be fantastic for the short film series. So, if you would like to submit a title option please comment on this blog post and make sure that you include your title option and your first and last name. I can't wait to read the title that you come up with.
Please be pray for:
- God to be with Franklin through the filming process.
- Help Franklin to be able to clearly portray his life in a way that will inspire students in the US so we can help others with similar lives.
- Give me a clear vision of what needs to be filmed to help visually portray life in the slums.
- God to be with me as I try to film Franklin's story in a way that will help students have a better understanding of what life is like in the slums as an orphaned child.
- Help me as I guide Franklin through the filming process.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Brandon A @ Kenya "The Weekend"
The festivities started at 10:00 AM and the award ceremony ended around 7:00 PM. Their were activities going on in 3 different rooms.
So I got a good workout running from the first location on the Ground floor to the second location on the 1 first floor to the third location on the 4th floor all day long. :) I am continually amazed on how many God given talents these students have been given. It was so amazing to have students from all 10 centers competing against each other. It is a rare occasion for all the schools to be together in one building. They were singing, dancing, reciting poems, rapping, doing spelling bees, and cultural dances. I told you a few weeks ago that I had fun watching Huruma practicing their talents and how I thought they were going to do good in the competition. Yesterday, the judges awarded Huruma the best in show trophy. I was spot on!!!
I did find time to hang out with the students as they were preparing for their performances. For some reason I am a magnet for Joska kids. Maybe it is my magnetic personality and good looks or maybe it's because I had a nice digital camera hanging around my neck taking photos all day. I did become friends with one boy in particular that I kept running into thru-out the festivities. His name was Simon, he is 14 years old and goes to school in Joska and I believe is in class 7. He is a very gifted child and loves to sing in the Joska choir, play the drums, write music, sing, dance, play Football (american soccer), and his favorite subject is English class. During our lunch break we decided to have some fun and had a fun photo shoot with him, some friends and myself. It was so much fun getting to know these guys and can tell that they have a strong future ahead of them. Check out some of my favorite shots from this shoot. [available @ Brandon's personal blog
Today was our day of rest, we went to church at the Pangani Center, went out to eat at the city market, and then came home to rest. Around 6:00 PM we had our normal group debrief time with Wallace, ate dinner (Mexican Monday was moved to Sunday this week) and then went back to relaxing. Around 10:30 PM I had an opportunity to catch up with my my brother, Tyler and his wonderful wife, Amy on Skype. It was so good to see/talk to them for the first time since I have been in Kenya. I have a fruitful week ahead of me and better head to bed.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Purity in Nairobi

Brandon A @ Kenya: Happy Easter!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Brandon A @ Kenya: Going up Country
So yesterday we had the pleasure of going to visit Nyeri, Kenya to see the farm where Mary Kamau grew up and to meet her large family. It was so nice to be able to eat, socialize, relax, hear a short sermon, see Mount Kenya and hang out in the beautiful country side. It was such a blessing to be able to take part in this family event.
Check out some of the photos from our day in Nyeri... (available on Brandon's personal blog
Mary's Childhood Home
3 generations of beautiful women
Left to Right: Meredith Roberts, Erin Titus, Bethany Ziegler, Luisa Fairfax, Brandon Adams, Peter Githingi Mwangi (Mary's brother) & David Freeze
Friday, April 2, 2010
Brandon A @ Kenya: 1,2,3 Wow

Brandon A @ Kenya: Power Failure