Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Brandon A @ Kenya: The Education Department

Monday, March 22, 2010

This week I am continuing my orientation. This morning I meet up with Stanley Jumbe in the education department of Pangani. I had the opportunity to watch him teach levels 4 & 5 in math, science & Kiswahili. As a guest the students would greet me as I walked through there door. In unison the entire class would say, "Welcome to our classroom, we are so glad you came to visit us, how are you doing today?" and I would respond by saying "I am fine, how are you?" they would then answer and I would tell them my name is Brandon and they would say "Hello Brandon!"

I was amazed at how fast they were comprehending the new material that Stanley was teaching. They are all very smart kids and has a thirst for learning. At the end of each subject the teacher would "mark" the answers to the problems that students had completed in there workbooks. I took that time to walk around the room to talk with the students and answer any questions that they had for me. Some of the questions were quite intriguing/funny. Below is a list of my favorite questions:
  • Who was the first US president? ...Was it George Bush?
  • Are you married?
  • Are you going to get married soon?
  • Who was the second US president? ...Was it Obama?
  • What is your favorite color?
  • How long did it take you to get from Maryland to Kenya?
  • How much did it cost to fly here from the US?
  • Can you drive a car from Maryland to Nairobi?
  • What is your favorite hobby?
  • How long are you going to be in Kenya?
Kenyan children are just so precious. You never know what questions they are going to ask you.

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