After the meetings were over Joseph and I walked back to Pangani and visited some of his business clients along the way. One of his clients owned a hotel, another started a billiard room, another opened a grain and bean market. We were going to visit more but he and I were both not feeling very good and was feeling worse and worse the further we walked. I had a really bad upset stomach and he had flu like symptoms. Once we got back to the Pangani center we both went to get medication from the clinic on the ground floor. Don't worry I am feeling much better today. It's amazing what a little rest and medication can do for the body. I am just glad got sick on Friday so that I had the weekend to recover.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Brandon A @ Kenya: Microenterprise
On Friday I went back to the Micro Enterprise department. This time I got to go with Joseph to visit the Bondeni Center for 2 group meetings. The group meetings today were very similar to meetings with Verginiah the day before. The first group was well established and was doing great at paying over and above what was expected and the second group was brand new and had not been meeting for very long and was still working on there savings and training. Because the second group was small and was just getting their feet wet in the program I was encouraged by Joseph to encourage this small group of single women. I really liked the question he asked me t before I started talking to the group. "Brandon, if you came back in 5 years and visited this group what would you expect them to have done from now to then?" I responded something to the effect of: I expect that in 5 years these ladies will have gotten married, started their own businesses, be stronger christians, paid off the group loan, had a healthy family, and would be working towards purchasing land and moving their families out of the slums. The group was very encouraged by these words and seemed very excited about what the future could hold for them.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Brandon A @Kenya: Thur 25 March
While writing this I am sitting on my bed feeling the cool evening breeze on my face and listening to the rain pitter pattering on the ground outside my window. It rained most of the night yesterday and again tonight. As I listen to the rain I am thinking about those who live in the Mathare slums. I'm praying that there homes will not flood...that they won't get sick from the standing water...that God will keep them safe and dry... and that the hot sun will dry the land tomorrow.
I had the pleasure of working with the Micro Enterprise department today by shadowing Virginiah Kamau. While there I learn about how there loan process works and how they train people that live in the slums a traid and how to start there own business. After they will out an application and are accepted into the program they are placed into a group. They currently have about 35 groups with about 10-25 members in each group.
I had the opportunity to sit in on group meetings for Matunda (Fruits) which as 10 members and Kupendana (Loving One Another) which as 24 members. We were only able to make the tail end of Matudas meeting. This group was formed this month and is still in the early stages of getting there loan. This means as a group they have to save 30% of the loan amount before Missions of Hope can give them the loan.
Kupendana on the other hand has been together for 4 years now and is doing very well. It was very interesting to sit thru there meeting. Most of there time together was spent collecting money to be put in the bank to pay back there load and marking in the books who gave what amounts. But after that they started a discussion amongst the group in swahili. I could tell by there tone that this was a very serious conversation but wasn't sure what they were talking about. After a few minutes Verginiah realized that I was left in the dark and filled me in on what was going on. She told me that Kupendana was interested in taking out another loan so that they can purchase a plot of land outside of the slums and divide the land it equally amongst the group so that they can move out of the slums. The debate was evidentially on what plot of land they should purchase. I later found out that early next week they will be purchasing the plot and it will take several years before they will be able to build homes and move there families onto the property. At the end of the meeting I gave them words of encouragement, blessings and told them that they would be in my prayers. It was so good to see a group of people doing so well and trying there best to get out of there current living conditions.
Sorry that I didn't write a post yesterday, I got busy and completely forgot. Let me see if I can give a quick recap of the day... Meredith (another apprentice) and I worked with the social work department and shadowed Jane (pronounced Jan). We took a matatu to the Huruma Center and did a few home visits. But the highlight for the day was watching the kids of the Huruma school practicing for the Missions of Hope 1st annual Talent Show on April 10. I was amazed at how talented these young boys and girls were. I know that they do well in the competition. Below are some photos that I took while they visiting the center. I also took a few videos but I promised the head master that I would not show anyone until after the competition so other centers won't steal there ideas. They are very serious about competitions in Kenya.

Posted by Brandon Adams at 2:38 PM
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Brandon A @ Kenya: The Social Work Department
[more pics available at Brandon's personal blog ]
The agenda for the day was help social worker Mary do home visits for students that are new to the Pangani school. The point of these first time visits was to make sure their family records were correct. This is so that CMF can keep the sponsors accurately updated on there students information.
Early this morning four 1st grade students meet down in the Social Work department in the Pangani Center. We then had the children take us to each of there houses one by one. At each home we sat down with the student and there parents (typically there Mom) and filled out two forms with them. Some of the questions on these forms subjects such as medical information, family tree, income, expenses, child's favorite sport, how the child behaves at home, what they want to be after they graduate college.

After we visited all 4 homes we walked back to the center to eat lunch. After lunch we met up with 4 students from grade 2 and went to visit there homes for the same purpose as the first group of students. But this group live in an area that was much worse then the first group that we took that morning. When in nairobi you realize quickly that each family has there own unique testimony on how they got where they are today. It was very encouraging to here parents say things to the social worker like, "My son has grown so much academically and spiritually since attending the Mission of Hope Pangani School." or "My daughter struggled so much keeping her grades up in her old school and now is excelling in your school program."
When doing home visits the families are always so welcoming to us a visitors. The students are very proud to show us where they live and to have us meet there family. To give you a better idea of living conditions in the Mathare slums... there houses are about 8' x 13' and are made out of corrugated metal, wood and cement. This small space normally includes a twin bed that sleeps 2 to 4 people, a small wooden chair/sofa, coffee table, and a few pots and pans for cooking and cleaning. Some of the houses in the slums have just enough electric to run a light bulb or small TV but most of the houses have NO electricity.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Brandon A @ Kenya: The Education Department
Monday, March 22, 2010
I was amazed at how fast they were comprehending the new material that Stanley was teaching. They are all very smart kids and has a thirst for learning. At the end of each subject the teacher would "mark" the answers to the problems that students had completed in there workbooks. I took that time to walk around the room to talk with the students and answer any questions that they had for me. Some of the questions were quite intriguing/funny. Below is a list of my favorite questions:
- Who was the first US president? ...Was it George Bush?
- Are you married?
- Are you going to get married soon?
- Who was the second US president? ...Was it Obama?
- What is your favorite color?
- How long did it take you to get from Maryland to Kenya?
- How much did it cost to fly here from the US?
- Can you drive a car from Maryland to Nairobi?
- What is your favorite hobby?
- How long are you going to be in Kenya?
Sunday Morning Church, the Kamau's and Baraka
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Last night I realized that in my blog post that I keep mentioning names and some of you may not know who I am talking about.
Mary and Wallace Kamau - 10 years ago they started the "Missions of Hope International" organization. With in the last couple of years CMF (Christian Missionary Fellowship) has partnered with there ministry. They have 3 children: Faith (13), Victory (11) and David (3). The Kamau family is so amazing and they each glow with His presence in there lives. They have also have graciously expanded there family by opening up there home to Baraka and the 6 apprentices. It will be such an awesome experience to be living with them over the next two months.
Baraka - A 13 year old boy who grew up in the sprawling slums of Nairobi, Kenya. He had three strikes against him: He was poor; he was an orphan; and he was deaf but was was able to go to school at one of the Missions of Hope Schools and through a series of amazing connections of Christians, missionaries, teachers, pastors businessmen and doctors from 4 different countries they were able to supply Baraka with the gift of hearing a speech. (If you would like to learn more about Baraka's story click here. This is one out of the millions of stories of people in the slums.) He is now living at the Kamau house and attending school at the Pangani center. It has been so much fun getting to know him over the past week. He is such a fun, smart, and strong man of God and is learning more and more everyday.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Brandon A - Kenya update Fri 19 Mar
I mentioned the other day that the Kamau children had fun playing with the Photo Booth on my laptop when we were in Mombasa. At the time the internet was being slow and would not let me upload photos or video to the post. So, for your viewing pleasure here is a video David Kamau (3 years old) singing a song with Victory Kamau and Baraka goofing off in the background. You can also check out my Facebook Album to see some of the photos they took that night as well. It has been so much fun getting to know the personalities of each of there children.
Before I talk about my day let me fist say that I appreciate all the comments on my blog posts and Facebook status/photos. I enjoy reading each and every one and feel truly blessed to know that you are praying for all the good work that is happening in the Nairobi slums through Missions of Hope International and CMF. Please continue to pray for me, the other 5 apprentices, the missionaries, teachers and staff bring His light to a dark place.
[to view a video Brandon posted, check his blog.]
Before I talk about my day let me fist say that I appreciate all the comments on my blog posts and Facebook status/photos. I enjoy reading each and every one and feel truly blessed to know that you are praying for all the good work that is happening in the Nairobi slums through Missions of Hope International and CMF. Please continue to pray for me, the other 5 apprentices, the missionaries, teachers and staff bring His light to a dark place.
This morning I woke up at 6:30 AM to get ready for a long day in the slums. I went downstairs and eat breakfast with the family (13 of us) wished Victory happy birthday and hopped in the van around 8 AM to go to the main office/Pangani Center. Today was my second day of orientation with the CHE (Community Heath Evangelism) department. This time I was shadowing Robert to the Baba Ndogo section of the slums. Because it is far from Pangani we had take a matatu there. Which is always an interesting experience.
Once we arrived in Baba Ndogo we visited several of the homes of people who have volunteered to be leaders of a CHE group in there village. Our job was to encourage and pray over those who have recently finished there training and are now trying to figure out what there community project is going to be. Most of the time these visits are fairly short (about 10 minutes) but today our last stop lasted about one and a half hours. Near the beginning of our visit she told us that they though it would be good to open a nursery/daycare center so the mother could go to work during the day. By the end of our meeting she told us about her second idea which consisted of of using her sowing machine that she currently uses outside her home to mend clothing for the community to made mosquito nets and sell them to her neighbors to help prevent the spread of malaria. Both sound like great ideas of ways to help her fellow kenyans and to spread the word of God's love. It is great to see God's hand working thru the people living in the slums change there own community.
After we were done with our visits we hopped (and I mean that literally) back on a matatu to head back to Pangani for lunch and worked at the center until it was time to leave at 3 PM to come home. As I told you earlier today Victory turned 11 years old so, for dinner we picked up several pizzas and a two of the apprentices baked him a chocolate cake with triple chocolate frosting and sprinkles on top. What a great end to a long week!
[to view a video Brandon posted, check his blog.]
Prayer for an MCC cross cultural missionary
Please keep in prayer CT Abraham, an Orchard Group church planter serving with Westchester Indian Christian Church in Yonkers, north of New York City. CT is from the Kerala state if India. He and his wife & daughter will be flying to India for the funeral of his mother, who passed away earlier this weel.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Brandon A @ Kenya update Thur 18 Mar
Around 6:30 last night we returned from our trip to Mombasa. It was a long and exhausting 9 hour drive but was well worth the trip. Some of the highlights of the trip was visiting Fort Jesus, touring Old Town, driving our van onto the ferry and cross the river, swimming in the pool and playing at the beach. The only downside was that Mombasa is extremely hot and humid. But the cool pool temperatures make up for the hot sun beating down on us. The Kamau children had fun one night taking photos using my laptop camera one of the nights. I will be putting those photos on my facebook page soon.
Today was my first official day working at the Missions of Hope International. Mary Kamau has me working with the CHE (Community Health Evangelism) team for my first few days of work then shadowing another leg of the ministry. Today I had the opportunity to work with Ann and Dan doing home visits following up to see how some of there core team CHE members are doing with there community projects and visited with people who are in the middle of training to be a CHE Member. It was a great experience walking thru the slums and siting in the homes of some key people that will/are making a difference in there part of the slums. For example one of the teams is trying to raise awareness of how to prevent common illnesses that are running rapid in the slums.
It has taken a few days but I think my body is finally getting adjusted to the 7 hour time difference between Kenya and Maryland. The weather has been much easier to get used to then the time difference. Today it was a high of 80 degrees and a low of 62 degrees.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Tue 16 Mar update from Tom M in Brazil
Had a couple of nice hard rains in the evenings that cooled the night but by day it's still quite hot.
Yesterday (Monday) after tiring but good meetings we went to the Shopping Dom Pedro to buy Brazilian goodies (coffee, candy, etc.) then back home and to bed around midnight. Brazil is a nocturnal culture...seems like thing really come to life here around 8pm and wrap up around midnight....gets tiring but it's FUN!
Rolled out of bed at 7:00 for a 7:45 ride to bfast at Romana in Cambui with Pierre (Interclass) to talk about exchange programs as an option with CMF, the US based churches and the church here.
Been meeting today since 9 with a lunch at Strog & Noff...good stuff and lots of need for supper tonight.
It has been exciting to hear the plans for the growth and multiplication of the Koinonia Christian Church here.
Some of the outcomes/take aways from our time here are as follows:
* Learn about Community Health Evangelism as the method for Neighborhood Transformation
* Desire for more teams to come to enrich the Kingdom nature of church growth in Brazil.
* Two of the pastors to come to the NACC in Indy in July.
* How we can help with the training and disciple making throught this and future church plants.
I will start my journey home tomorrow...has been great to be back in Brazil...the sights, sounds and smells have transported me back to our days as missionaries here. But it's GREAT to see the growth of More and Better Disciples here!
Will make one last post tomorrow. [Tom M]
Yesterday (Monday) after tiring but good meetings we went to the Shopping Dom Pedro to buy Brazilian goodies (coffee, candy, etc.) then back home and to bed around midnight. Brazil is a nocturnal culture...seems like thing really come to life here around 8pm and wrap up around midnight....gets tiring but it's FUN!
Rolled out of bed at 7:00 for a 7:45 ride to bfast at Romana in Cambui with Pierre (Interclass) to talk about exchange programs as an option with CMF, the US based churches and the church here.
Been meeting today since 9 with a lunch at Strog & Noff...good stuff and lots of need for supper tonight.
It has been exciting to hear the plans for the growth and multiplication of the Koinonia Christian Church here.
Some of the outcomes/take aways from our time here are as follows:
* Learn about Community Health Evangelism as the method for Neighborhood Transformation
* Desire for more teams to come to enrich the Kingdom nature of church growth in Brazil.
* Two of the pastors to come to the NACC in Indy in July.
* How we can help with the training and disciple making throught this and future church plants.
I will start my journey home tomorrow...has been great to be back in Brazil...the sights, sounds and smells have transported me back to our days as missionaries here. But it's GREAT to see the growth of More and Better Disciples here!
Will make one last post tomorrow. [Tom M]
FAME updates via Facebook
For those w/ Facebook accounts, you can follow some more info about the FAME medical mission trips here
Update from Haiti medical team (Dawn Ament)
Down here, sweating, dirty, working hard- the usual when being led by God.
It is so sad here and so much to take in. I love all. Please pray the
team stays healthy and our stamina hangs in. Tell Tom and Ben I am trying
to "represent Mountain well". Take care. I am praying for Glynn. -- Dawny
It is so sad here and so much to take in. I love all. Please pray the
team stays healthy and our stamina hangs in. Tell Tom and Ben I am trying
to "represent Mountain well". Take care. I am praying for Glynn. -- Dawny
Monday, March 15, 2010
Update from Tom M in Brazil
Arrived in Brazil a bit late on Saturday morning because of our late departure. It is very hot here and has rained each day.
Saturday was spent doing what Brazilians do best...eating, talking, being together, laughing, investing in each others lives.
Our Sunday was also well invested in a Brazilian cookout (churrasco) with all kinds of meat, veggies, bread and soda (but no Mountain Dew...bummer). The service started at 7:30 and went til 9:30.
There are three guys that are recognized as Pastoral Leadership...Denilson, Fernando and Vinicius. These guys are committed to the idea that the Church MUST be lived out where people do life on a daily basis.
The new body (Koinonia Christian Church) is thriving even at only one year old. The essence of this church plant is to be an Organic Church that finds its “feet“ by being Jesus in the neighborhoods and workplaces of the members.
The service was attended by 60 or so and meets on the 16th floor of a hotel in the middle of the city. Denilson preached and I translated from Portuguese to English as we have some other English speakers here. The question that drove the message was, “Why am I a Christian?“. In a nutshell Denilson answered this by saying...I am a Christian because the Cross is empty, Jesus has overcome all of my sin/faults and now I will serve Him with all of my life.
There were constant reminders of our need to BE JESUS “out there“ because of what Christ did on the Cross. Following Christ is realized by getting out of our seats on Sunday and living out our faith in the trenches of life.
Now it‘s Monday and we are meeting with the Pastors of the church. There are 4 partners around the table as we are meeting (I am multitasking and taking a break from translating to write this)...the partners are Koinonia Christian Church, University Christian Church (Manhattan Kansas), Mountain Christian and Christiam Missionary Fellowship. Our goal in meeting in these few days is to see how we can partner together to multiply church plants, employ Community Health Evangelism (CHE and encourage the body that has grown throughout this past year.
I will write more soon with some take aways from our time together.
Please PRAY for God‘s presence as we meet, pray and dream about what God can/will do through this local body! [Tom M]
Saturday was spent doing what Brazilians do best...eating, talking, being together, laughing, investing in each others lives.
Our Sunday was also well invested in a Brazilian cookout (churrasco) with all kinds of meat, veggies, bread and soda (but no Mountain Dew...bummer). The service started at 7:30 and went til 9:30.
There are three guys that are recognized as Pastoral Leadership...Denilson, Fernando and Vinicius. These guys are committed to the idea that the Church MUST be lived out where people do life on a daily basis.
The new body (Koinonia Christian Church) is thriving even at only one year old. The essence of this church plant is to be an Organic Church that finds its “feet“ by being Jesus in the neighborhoods and workplaces of the members.
The service was attended by 60 or so and meets on the 16th floor of a hotel in the middle of the city. Denilson preached and I translated from Portuguese to English as we have some other English speakers here. The question that drove the message was, “Why am I a Christian?“. In a nutshell Denilson answered this by saying...I am a Christian because the Cross is empty, Jesus has overcome all of my sin/faults and now I will serve Him with all of my life.
There were constant reminders of our need to BE JESUS “out there“ because of what Christ did on the Cross. Following Christ is realized by getting out of our seats on Sunday and living out our faith in the trenches of life.
Now it‘s Monday and we are meeting with the Pastors of the church. There are 4 partners around the table as we are meeting (I am multitasking and taking a break from translating to write this)...the partners are Koinonia Christian Church, University Christian Church (Manhattan Kansas), Mountain Christian and Christiam Missionary Fellowship. Our goal in meeting in these few days is to see how we can partner together to multiply church plants, employ Community Health Evangelism (CHE and encourage the body that has grown throughout this past year.
I will write more soon with some take aways from our time together.
Please PRAY for God‘s presence as we meet, pray and dream about what God can/will do through this local body! [Tom M]
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Brandon Adams update
Saturday, March 13, 2010
I have arrived in Nairobi
On my way to the house Wallace told me that tomorrow the Kamau family, the 6 apprentices and Baraka are going on a short vacation to Mombasa until Wednesday. So I guess that means that I have a 8 hour car ride tomorrow morning and then hanging out on the beach, and touring my first few days in Kenya. We will be staying with Mary's brother Charles and his wife while there.
Well it's getting late here and is time for me to head to bed. I will not be able to post again until we return from Mombasa. Utukufu kwaka!
THREE short/mid term mission trips from Mountain
This weekend MCC launched THREE short-term or mid-length cross-cultural mission trips:
- Brandon Adams departed for two months internship to Nairobi, Kenya. You can follow his journey directly at his blog Mission to Kenya.
- Nurses Dawn Ament and Roxanne Hann depart to serve with a Haiti relief medical mission team w FAME (Fellowship of Associates of Medical Evangelism). MCC continues to collect medical supplies for Haiti relief. Keep Dr Glynn Wells in your prayers. Though he planned to go also, he was not able to participate because he was hospitalized Fri PM with a possible blood vessel rupture.
- Tom Moen departed for Brazil to work alongside church planters.
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