Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Update from DR by Samantha and Wendy

Greetings! This has been such a great day. The weather has been so nice the entire time. Not too hot and even a bit cool at night with the fans. It seems like every small detail planned has been so worth the effort, the planning and carrying 35 heavy bags here. Everything has been received with such gratefulness.
The day started at 7:30 praise and breakfast then at 9am we headed to the local school that is lead by Ebony McDonald to read to the children. We packed snacks for them and read two books to them, one in English and one in Spanish. The children are absolutely beautiful and are so welcoming to us. They were so happy to see us! We were able to spend some great time with the children during their recess time. We got to play some games with them and really just take some time loving on them.
By 10am we were back at the church preparing a tea time for some of the moms in the community. We served tea and light refreshments to the moms and snacks for their children. The ladies made cards and we played games with the children. This was such a special time with them and it's just so wonderful to see how they so lovingly receive everything we have prepared for them.
At 12 noon a wonderful lunch was prepared for us and we had about an hour of rest before getting ready for this evening's event "Date Night". We decorated the church with pink & red, with balloons and table clothes. We prepared a wonderful candle-lit dinner of spaghetti & meatballs with salad and lemonade and then we ended the evening with a shared dessert of cherry dump cake and ice cream. This was a beautiful evening!! Folks came dressed in their best and had a great time. As they arrived we took pictures of them and then as they all ate we printed the pictures and placed them in heart-shaped picture frames and handed them out as they were leaving. The smiles on their faces were absolutely priceless!! They just seemed so overwhelmed by it all. We know that there are some very specific people that God has been working on through all this . We know that God has really touched at least 2 couples in particular because we know it has been difficult for them, so we were just so glad they came. We think it would have been worth all the preparation for just one marriage to be blessed by this.
Lots of info and to be honest, we are still overwhelmed ourselves by how beautifully it all turned out. God is certainly here with us.
God bless you all! See you in a couple days!
Samantha and Wendy

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I absolutely LOVE the updates and think what you are doing is wonderful! Have a very safe trip home- I know a lot of people anxious to see Lisa!!