Monday, October 18, 2010

Romania mission team - background

Adapted from an email sent last week by John Sarno
"8 MCC people will be in Western Romania primarily working with the Roma people (gypsy). We are going over with the mission Remember The Children, the mission that Andy Baker leads.

Most of our trip will be taken up with dental hygiene, but there will also be other opportunities to meet and work with people who need to hear of God’s love such as handing out shoes and hats, leading VBS style after-school classes, construction and anything else that Andy sees as a need. I’ll also have the opportunity to do some teaching in the area of worship with local gypsy worship leaders and will also help in leading worship there in a gypsy worship service. Now that sounds like a fun worship service. :)

Please pray for us as we minister to and with these people.

Andy Baker
Bryan Cornell
Heather Hill
John Sarno
Julie and Fred Parker
Lyn Murphy
Sara Tamasauskas
Emilee and Dwayne Draper who attend another church will also be going with us. Emilee went on a mission trip to India with us in the past.
Kristi Cornell is our home-base contact person

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