Saturday, October 9, 2010

Dominican Republic team arrive Fri 8 Oct

Your prayers on our behalf have been to great effect as we are currently sitting in the fellowship hall of the church here in Monti Cristi.

Upon arrival at Puerta Plata we experienced the wonderful humid heat found in this part of the world. After lunching at the Burger King...yes the BK is alive and well here, we experienced a harrowing 3 hour van ride dodging pedestrians, vans, bikes, dogs, chickens, donkeys and pot holes all along the way.

We are just now “installed“ in our rooms and awaiting supper. It has been four years for me since I was here last and upon arrival have already seen many changes. This speaks well of the faithfulness of the church here and Kingdom Participants who have given sacrifically to edify the body here.

We will tell many life stories of the saints here in Monti Cristi during our time here and posts there but let me start by asing for your prayers on behalf of the pastor here, Ignacio. He has been pastoring here for three years having come from Santo Domingo to lead the church. His father passed away a week and a half ago and it has been very difficult for him. We believe our presence and my experience with loosing my father in June of this year will be a blessing for him.

We are excited, pumped and sweating...ready to be poured out as drink offerings amongst the Lords people. Pray for us as we incarnate the Christ‘s presence and pray for us “that when we open our mouths we will fearlessly make known the mystery of the Gospel“.

With you in making God‘s Name GREAT among the Nations...Tom (for the DR Team)

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