Monday, September 28, 2009

Little boy in Agra (Ben)

We have arrived safely in Agra and are waiting on a bus to go to hotel while porter-boys fetch our 29 suitcases. Outside our windows families huddle in the darkness on their haunches. Do they live here in the dust and exhaust fumes. A small boy reaches up to knock on the window and puts his hand out to beg. We are told to look away and that we can not give to such as these. Tough to take. We pray many times each day for people like these who will haunt and fill our minds forever. I know Jesus sees him and knows and loves him. I so hope that little boy can know and love Jesus, too. I find myself so grateful for those with beautiful feet who bring good news to places like Agra.

Peace, love, and Jesus,
Ben and team

1 comment:

L.V. Spencer said...

Hi Ben, Thank you for sharing your impressions with us. I know this is hard to take, but many of these children are working for pimps. Not only should we pray for the child but also the pimps, plus the ovreall situation of child labor in India.