Monday, September 28, 2009

Greetings In Christ from Bhopal (Ben - Sunday)

“We have seen first hand the power of genuine fellowship -- relationships that really do matter, sometimes a matter of life and death. We are encouraged by the desire of our Indian Christian brothers and sisters to connect and be the truest friends to one another. We are "friending" the believers on Bhopal who are reaching out to this huge city with the good news of Jesus. Central India Chr Misn will help supply preachers and the churches will begin the studies and outreaches ... And we [Mountain] will partner to help provide some support for church leaders and other resources needed to get hopefully five more churches planted here. When we went to church this morning most of us had never met these brothers and sisters. Yet we embraced like family. We live 10 000 miles apart -- yet our hearts are knit into one fabric through Jesus. Please convey our love to the Mountain family, and bring greetings from Christ Church and Bhopal Christian Church where we are worshiping / preaching today.”

1 comment:

L.V. Spencer said...

Ben, thank your sharing your thoughts and experience with us.