The Kenya team has its own blog
http://kenyamissiontrip2010.blogspot.comGreat pics & Yay God stories!
Some highlights from the last few days include:
"Saturday- One word to describe today, spent in Mathare Valley (one of the world's largests slums, in Nairboi) is INTENSE. Intensity of so many levels. We went to the Hope Mission school and met with Mary and Wallace Kamau, the founders of the school. As our team leader, Dawny, puts it - "They are my heros". The school is an amazing place. They now serve over 4,300 children at multiple locations. There are over 300 people in there employ. We got to go into the classrooms, to see the library, to see the classrooms that are being built, and most importantly, to see the difference that this work is making in the lives of the children of Mathare. One the best moments occured when the team split in two and went with the social workers from the school to do home visits with the children. Pictures and words can't adaequately describe all the we saw and expereinced today. God bless Mary & Wallace, the folks at the school, the people of Mathare, and most especially, the precious children."
And today's (Sun 26 Sep) update:

Wow!! The bus, with Mary Kamau, came to pick us up early for the drive out to Joska. Joska is the boarding school for children in grades 5-8, about 700 of them, and over 95% of those children come from the slums in Nairobi. At Joska, these children recieve a wonderful education, housing, uniforms, spiritual upbringing and lots and lots of love. These kids are AMAZING. The worship at there church was amazing! The team was blown away by the amount of growth this ministry is experiencing. One of the highlights of our visit to Joska was meeting a very special young man name John. John was a Muslim student who made the decision to give his life to Christ - today!! Dennis was able to lead him, praying for him as he accepted Christ. We spent a very full day there, and the children said good-byes and there were many messages to bring home to their sponsors, and many well wishes and greetings being sent to Brandon Adams, former missionary from Mountain Christian to Kenya.
We were also blessed by being invited to Hope Missions International's founders home, Mary & Wallace Kamau. Their home, like their hearts, is a beautiful place. After a marvelous meal, they treated us to a movie - "One in a Million" - a documentary by John Schmidt, and the story of their son Baraka - a deaf orphan who has recieved nothing short of a miracle in his life. We encourage everyone to go to the CMF International website and order this heartwarming film, to get a glimpse into the life of the Kamau's, their son, and the beautiful children of the Mathare Valley.