Tuesday, May 5, 2009

FW: Greetings from the Riveria! (Brazil short term mission team)

From: Jennifer Ayresw
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 9:40 AM

We made it! Flight was good, long, but good. We've been here for about 2 hours now, and I'll tell you man it's BEAUTIFUL!!! We drove through the city, all the ins and outs of it, people here drive crazy scary, then we drove through the mountains, got to see an amazing water fall, and now I'm sitting on the balcony of Carlos' condo in this huge round chair with a view of the ocean and the mountains all in the same place. Yeah, Im really roughing it :) Haven't slept yet, feeling really grimmy will be taking a shower after this email is sent and just going to have a chill day at the beach. Again I say, it's flipping amazing. This may be the only email I get to send out but there may be blogs on the Mountain website. Thank you all for your prayers and support I love each and everyone of you! Please continue to pray that God will pour out His blessing on this place and that we can truly be a light to the people!